- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in dkan_sitewide_panels_block_view() (line 83 of /var/www/html/dkan/profiles/dkan/modules/dkan/dkan_sitewide/modules/dkan_sitewide_panels/dkan_sitewide_panels.module).
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in _text_sanitize() (line 321 of /var/www/html/dkan/modules/field/modules/text/text.module).

134 Datasets
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- reacchpna (40) Apply reacchpna filter
- Biotics (33) Apply Biotics filter
- REACCH (29) Apply REACCH filter
- ui (27) Apply ui filter
- eigenbrode (26) Apply eigenbrode filter
- idaho (26) Apply idaho filter
- sanford (21) Apply sanford filter
- cropsys (16) Apply cropsys filter
- cropsyst (16) Apply cropsyst filter
- Karimi (16) Apply Karimi filter
- LCA (16) Apply LCA filter
- Life cycle analysis (16) Apply Life cycle analysis filter
- raster (16) Apply raster filter
- Stockle (16) Apply Stockle filter
- CropSyst (10) Apply CropSyst filter
- Data (10) Apply Data filter
- 2012 (9) Apply 2012 filter
- sweepnet (9) Apply sweepnet filter
- 2011 (8) Apply 2011 filter
- 2010 (6) Apply 2010 filter
- no-till (6) Apply no-till filter
- pan traps (6) Apply pan traps filter
- triticale (6) Apply triticale filter
- wsu (6) Apply wsu filter
- 2009 (5) Apply 2009 filter
- bill pan (5) Apply bill pan filter
- Bill Schillinger (5) Apply Bill Schillinger filter
- cropping system (5) Apply cropping system filter
- spring wheat (5) Apply spring wheat filter
- 2011-2016 (4) Apply 2011-2016 filter
- 2013 (4) Apply 2013 filter
- bulk density (4) Apply bulk density filter
- diversification (4) Apply diversification filter
- electrical conductivity (4) Apply electrical conductivity filter
- inorganic nitrogen (4) Apply inorganic nitrogen filter
- intensification (4) Apply intensification filter
- matthew yourek (4) Apply matthew yourek filter
- nitrogen budget (4) Apply nitrogen budget filter
- paulitz (4) Apply paulitz filter
- pedo-transfer (4) Apply pedo-transfer filter
- soil depth (4) Apply soil depth filter
- soil moisture (4) Apply soil moisture filter
- soil texture (4) Apply soil texture filter
- soil water (4) Apply soil water filter
- spring barley (4) Apply spring barley filter
- total carbon (4) Apply total carbon filter
- weather Tier II (4) Apply weather Tier II filter
- wheat (4) Apply wheat filter
- wheat pan traps (4) Apply wheat pan traps filter
- nematode (3) Apply nematode filter
nknadmin's content
Data: REACCHPNA Crops - Ralston 2013
Research at the Ralston project from 2012-2016 focused on integration of a novel cereal (winter triticale) in the winter wheat-fallow rotation, with chemical fallow management. Winter triticale and a full-height winter wheat were grown for their...
Data: REACCHPNA Biotics - Wheat PanTraps 2014
Data are weekly catches of flying aphids at each location during each year of the study. At each location, the count is the total of three traps that were positioned along a field edge. A trap consisted of a yellow plastic plate, mounted 20cm...
Data: REACCHPNA Biotics - Sweepnet 2013
: to document the populations of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) in legume crops and determine the temporal and spatial variation in their abundance. These can be related to landscape and weather variables and also the arrival patterns as...
Data: REACCHPNA Crops - Jones Microsite Data
soil physical properties, satellite data, crop data, soil core measurements, soil inorganic nitrogen, soil moisture at 12 instrumented field locations
Data: REACCHPNA LCA - Future Annual Cropping, Spring Wheat, RCP4.5 out to 2070
All historical data are based on average of 31 years in historical (baseline) period from 1979 to 2010. All the data under future folder are based on average of 31 years in future period from 2055 to 2085 which is presented as 2070s. Also we used...
Data: REACCHPNA LCA - Future Annual Cropping, Winter Wheat, RCP8.5 out to 2070
All historical data are based on average of 31 years in historical (baseline) period from 1979 to 2010. All the data under future folder are based on average of 31 years in future period from 2055 to 2085 which is presented as 2070s. Also we used...
Data: REACCHPNA Crops - Wolff Microsite Data
soil physical properties, satellite data, crop data, soil core measurements, soil inorganic nitrogen, soil moisture at 12 instrumented field locations