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Data and Code_Child & Moore 2019

Data and Code to support "Andrew W. Child & Barry C. Moore (2019): Total phosphorus analyses: is the convenience of automated inline-UV digestion robust enough for freshwater nutrient monitoring?, Lake and Reservoir Management, DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2019.1576814"

5 files in this archive

  • Child_Moore_Data_Code_2019/
  • Child_Moore_Data_Code_2019/.Rhistory
  • Child_Moore_Data_Code_2019/TPComp.csv
  • Child_Moore_Data_Code_2019/TPCompREV2.R
  • Child_Moore_Data_Code_2019/readme.txt

Additional Information

filesize6.89 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampAug 27, 2021