Data and Code_Child & Moore 2019
- Data from: Total phosphorus analyses: is the convenience of automated inline-UV digestion robust enough for freshwater nutrient monitoring?
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Phosphorus (P) is an essential and often growth-limiting nutrient in aquatic ecosystems. Excessive P in aquatic ecosystems can result in accelerated eutrophication and is a prime cause of “impaired” water quality listing under the Clean Water Act...
Hypolimnetic oxygenation is a technique used to restore oxic conditions in the summer hypolimnia of lakes, thereby reducing internal P recycling, metal flux, and increasing fish habitat. O2 at the sediment–water interface plays a critical role in...
Similar to many fish, juvenile Pacific salmon rearing in temperate streams face a growth and survival bottleneck early in their first summer due to limitations in space and food. Fish carcasses have been shown to affect juvenile salmon growth in...