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Enclosure Fish Behaviors metadata

FGDC-formatted metadata record with processing documentation

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        <origin>Nate T Fuchs</origin>
        <title>Enclosure Fish Behaviors</title>
        <othercit>The name repository is "University of Idaho Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN)"</othercit>
      <abstract>This data set is compiled of telemetry records collected from accelerometer tags implanted in steelhead monitored within an enclosed space.  The enclosure was located at Winthrop National Fish Hatchery, (address; 453B Twin Lakes Rd, Winthrop, WA 98862.  Speco underwater video cameras were positioned within the enclosures and the recorded video timing was synchronous in time with radio telemetry receivers, positioned on site.  Each fish was monitored continuously for 2 or 3 days during daylight hours, only 10 to 15 minute blocks of time were observed for each hour of data collected, and blocks were randomly selected for video observation.  Fish behaviors were observed and alined to telemetry records, each record, termed "burst index," lasted ~4 seconds and was assigned a behavior with the exception of when the fish moved out of view of the camera (out of view).  Observed behaviors include holding, oviposition, digging, covering, lateral movements, burst movements, coaxing, and aggression.  Video examples of select behaviors are provided and available for editors (see archived data).  Each observed fish's records are provided on a separate spreadsheet.  A description of each columns data is provided on the sheet entitled metadata.  </abstract>
      <current>ground condition</current>
      <update>None planned</update>
        <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>
    <accconst>None.  Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>
    <useconst>None.  Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>
          <cntorg>Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife</cntorg>
        <cntpos>Biologist 2</cntpos>
          <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>
          <address>20268 State Route 20</address>
    <datacred>US Fish and Wildlife service personnel assisted with tagging and allowed for the enclosure to be installed at Winthrop National Fish Hatchery grounds, Winthrop Washington.  </datacred>
        <procdesc>Steelhead were monitored using prototypes of a commercial 3-volt coded transmitter (model MCFT3-3A, Lotek Wireless, Newmarket, Ontario, 16mm X 58mm, 20 grams in air, estimated tag life 90 - 120 days).  The prototype tags transmitted the maximum differential acceleration in any of three axis, with a maximum 1.5 gravity (g) acceleration, 0.03 g resolution, and 4 sec transmission intervals (‘burst interval’, BI).  Tags were tested and activated asynchronously to minimize transmission collisions.  Telemetry data were recorded using Lotek SRX800 Receivers.  </procdesc>
        <procdesc>We observed spawning using optical video under semi-natural conditions at Winthrop National Fish Hatchery (WNFH) on the Methow River, a major tributary to the Upper Columbia River basin.  Steelhead returning to WNFH must migrate >920 km upstream, passing nine major hydro-electric dams.  Each steelhead received an intragastrically implanted accelerometer tag and Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag implanted ventrally between the pelvic fins.  A band of surgical rubber tubing around the accelerometer was used to reduce regurgitation.  Fish were hatchery-origin and were collected, anesthetized, tagged, and released by USFWS Mid-Columbia Fish & Wildlife Conservation Office staff.   Observations were made on two groups of two males and two females each.  Females were 68-74 cm, males 55-74 cm, and recording duration was 24-38 hours per group.</procdesc>
        <procdesc>A 12m long, 2-4m wide temporary enclosure was created in a diversion channel.  Stainless steel weir panels bounded the downstream of the enclosure and two screened 0.7m diameter culverts bounded the upstream of the enclosure and also provided cover within the culverts and under the culvert outflow.  Spawning gravel was present throughout the enclosure (gravel (1cm) to boulder (100cm)) and depth ranged from 0.5-1.0 meters.  Anadromous steelhead had been observed by USFWS spawning naturally in the outflow channel in a year when the barrier structure failed.
Fish movements and behaviors were monitored and recorded using 4 SPECO underwater cameras (Global Equipment Company Inc., Port Washington, New York) while acceleration data were recorded.  The first sample group was monitored by video from 26-April – 28-April 2017 and thereafter by telemetry receiver until 1-May 2017.  The second sample group was monitored from 3-May to 5-May 2017 until a high flow event resulted in poor visibility (beginning 4-May) and two fish (M4 and F4) escaped the enclosure.  The latter fish were not evaluated for behavior in the enclosure but were considered at-large (Step 5) after escape on the evening of 4-May 2017.
        <procdesc>Behaviors were identified and cataloged using preliminary video observations and existing literature (Esteve, 2005; Needham & Taft, 1934; Orcutt et al., 1968; Shapovalov & Taft, 1954).  After classifying behaviors listed below for optical video time series, acceleration records were aligned to the preliminary video sample.</procdesc>
          <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>
          <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>
          <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>
          <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>
          <country>United States</country>
    <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>
          <formname>Digital Data</formname>
          <cntper>Nathaniel Fuchs</cntper>
          <cntorg>Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife</cntorg>
        <cntpos>Biololgist 2 </cntpos>
          <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>
          <address>20268 State Route 20</address>
          <city>Twisp </city>
    <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>

Additional Information

filesize9.45 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampOct 24, 2018