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Idaho State University

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Data from: Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Panel for determination of environmental influence on genome for wild Columbia River redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii) in Southwest Idaho streams

DNA were derived from fin tissue samples taken from individual trout captured from Little Jacks Creek, Big Jacks Creek , and Duncan Creek of the Owyhee mountains and Keithly Creek and Upper Mann Creek in the Hitt mountains of Western Idaho, United States. Fin tissues were collected from individual trout from each stream during monthly sampling events in June through October 2020.

DNA Extraction: Extraction of DNA from caudal fin tissues were performed using Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus purification kits (Zymo Research Inc.©). Small sections of fin tissue (≤ 25 mg) were collected from each sample. This was mixed with a digesting solution comprised of ultra-pure water, solid tissue buffer (Zymo Research Inc.©) and proteinase K. All tissues were digested in sealed microcentrifuge tubes for at minimum 3 h at 55°C in a water bath. We then aliquoted 100 µL of digestion supernatant and combined with 200 µL of genomic binding buffer (Zymo Research Inc.©). DNA was eluted in 50, 75, and 100 µL of elution buffer to determine which volume provided sufficient DNA concentration for genotyping. After it was determined all quantities produced suitable concentrations, going forward, 50 µL of elution buffer used.

Genotyping: Following extraction, genotyping-in-thousands sequencing took place at the Hagerman National Fish Hatchery’s genetics research facility with the assistance of the Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission (CRTFC). Genotyping protocols were as described in Campbell et al. (2015) and summarized below. First, samples were prepared for amplification via PCR by combining DNA extracts with a Qiagen Plus multiplex master mix and a species-specific pooled primer mix. This step added the Illumina sequencing primer sites to amplicons. Following the creation of the PCR cocktail, thermocycling was conducted for amplification. Amplified samples were then diluted 20-fold. Diluted samples were transferred to new 96-well PCR plates where two genetic indexes and barcodes provides a unique set of tagging primers to each well and plate. Tagged plates then underwent a second PCR step. After the second PCR, all DNA were transferred to Charm Biotech normalization plates where DNA was bound to wells, washed, and finally eluted. After normalization, all DNA was pooled together and a purification step using magnetized beads in two steps to selectively remove fragments of DNA that are both too large and too small for sequencing. Following purification, each plate was quantified via qPCR using Life Technologies QuantStudio 6 Flex Instrument (Life Technologies). Finally, sequencing was performed using an Illumina HiSeq 1500 instrument.

Ancillary peer-reviewed manuscripts:
Genotyping protocols
Campbell NR, Harmon SA, Narum SR. 2015. Genotyping-in-Thousands by sequencing (GT-seq): A cost effective SNP genotyping method based on custom amplicon sequencing. Mol Ecol Resour, 15: 855-867.*
SNP loci reference
Collins EE, Hargrove JS, Delomas TA, Narum SR. 2020. Distribution of genetic variation underlying adult migration timing in steelhead of the Columbia River basin. Ecology and Evolution, 10(17): 9486-9502.

Data Use:
License: CC-BY 4.0 (
Recommended Citation: Wooding AP, Narum SR, Pradhan DS. 2022. Data from: Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Panel for determination of environmental influence on genome for wild Columbia River redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii) in Southwest Idaho streams (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-116.952848 42.549648, -116.952848 44.523302, -116.025835 44.523302, -116.025835 42.549648))
POINT (-116.854895 44.523302)
POINT (-116.952848 44.513631)
POINT (-116.103281 42.730647)
POINT (-116.043182 42.562594)
POINT (-116.025835 42.549648)
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
southwest Idaho USA
Temporal Coverage
Monday, June 8, 2020 - 00:00 to Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 00:00
English (United States)
Alexander P. Wooding, Shawn R. Narum and Devaleena S. Pradhan
Contact Name
Devaleena Pradhan
Contact Email
Public Access Level
Data available on:: 
Friday, September 9, 2022