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Orthophotos of Toolik Field Station, Alaska, 2013

4 band RGB color and near-IR orthophotos (pixel resolution: 0.05 meters) were acquired with a Leica RCD 30 aerial camera near the Toolik Field Station (AK) as part of the NASA funded Terrestrial Ecology Project NNX12AK83G, PIs: Lee A. Vierling (University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA), Jan U.H. Eitel (University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA), Natalie T. Boelman (Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA), and Kevin L. Griffin (Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA). The spatial extend of the dataset is: -149.675381 (West bounding long); -148.853695 (East bounding long); 68.372569 (South bounding lat); and 68.756794 (North bounding lat). The dataset is discontinuous within this spatial extend covering the following five areas of Interest (AOIs)with approximate mile point locations on the Dalton Highway in parentheses: Roche Moutonnee Creek (263.9 miles), an unnamed site (288.8 miles), Toolik Field Station (284.3 miles), Imnavait (290.6 miles), and Sagavanirktok Department of Transportation (DOT) (305.6 miles). Data were collected August 1, 2013.

Use of this dataset should be cited as: Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Boelman, N.T., Griffin, K.L., Greaves, H., Magney, T.S., Prager, C., Ajayi, M., and Gibson, R. 2013. Four-band, 5cm resolution orthophotographs of Toolik Field Station, AK, and nearby field sites along Dalton Highway. doi:10.7923/G4VD6WCW

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-149.95788574219 68.401438105017, -149.95788574219 68.986215542756, -148.76586914063 68.986215542756, -148.76586914063 68.401438105017))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA
Temporal Coverage
Thursday, August 1, 2013 - 00:00
English (United States)
0.05 meter
Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Boelman, N.T., Griffin, K.L., Greaves, H., Magney, T.S., Prager, C., Ajayi, M., and Gibson, R
Contact Name
Lee Vierling
Contact Email
Public Access Level