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Simulated vegetation data for the conterminous US, from the MC2 model, based on MACA climate projections, for 1895-2099

These files contain the results of running the MC2 DGVM over the conterminous US at a resolution of 2.5 arc-minutes, using PRISM data for the 1895-2014 period and projections from 20 CMIP5 models, downscaled to the target resolution using the MACA method, for the 2015-2099 period. Both historical and future runs were made for both potential natural vegetation and for a regime of fire-suppression starting in 1950. Potential and fire-suppressed results are distinguished in the directory names as "nfs" (non-fire-suppressed) and "fs" (fire-suppressed).

Future projections were made for both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 pathways. Climate data for equilibration, spinup, and historical period came from PRISM ( Downscaled climate data for future periods came from Northwest Knowledge ( Native-format MC2 output contains multiple variables in one NetCDF output file.

Because these files were large, we divided them into one file per variable to keep the size manageable. All variables are annual values; most are mean values for the (calendar) year, while some are for the month with the maximum value. Variables provided, corresponding to filenames, are: AET: Actual evapo-transpiration (mm H2O) BUI_ANN_MAX: Annual maximum value of buildup index (see C_DEAD_ABOVEGR: Above-ground dead vegetation carbon (g/m2) C_DEAD_BELOWGR: Below-ground dead vegetation carbon (g/m2) C_DEAD_WOOD: Dead woody carbon (g/m2) C_ECOSYS: Total ecosystem carbon (g/m2) C_FOREST: Total forest carbon (g/m2) C_LEACHED: Carbon leached to groundwater (g/m2) C_LITTER: Carbon in litter (g/m2) C_LIVE_ABOVEGR: Above-ground live vegetation carbon (g/m2) C_LIVE_BELOWGR: Below-ground live vegetation carbon (g/m2) C_MAX_STANDING_DEAD: Annual maximum of carbon in standing dead grass (g/m2) CONSUMED: Carbon consumed by fire (g/m2) C_SOM_X_STRUC_METAB: Soil carbon excluding structural and metabolic carbon (g/m2) C_VEG: Total vegetation carbon (g/m2) FFMC_ANN_MAX: Annual maximum value of FFMC (see H2O_STREAM_FLOW: Precipitation which flows to groundwater (cm H2O) MAX_TREE_LAI: Annual maximum of tree LAI (unitless) NBP: Net biome productivity (g/m2) NEP: Net ecosystem productivity (g/m2) NPP: Net primary productivity (g/m2) PART_BURN: Fraction of cell burned (unitless) PET: Potential evapo-transpiration (cm H2O) RSP: Heterotrophic respiration (g/m2) SFC_RUNOFF: Surface runoff (cm H2O) VTYPE: Vegetation type, categorical:

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-125.947265625 24.78274576876, -125.947265625 49.336578180246, -66.181640625 49.336578180246, -66.181640625 24.78274576876))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Temporal Coverage
Tuesday, January 1, 1895 - 00:00 to Thursday, December 31, 2099 - 00:00
English (United States)
2.5 arc-minute
Ken Ferschweiler, Dominique Bachelet
Contact Name
Ken Ferschweiler
Contact Email
Public Access Level