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Building Bridges-Dataset

Systematic literature review results from Web of Science after being screened for content and scored for categories relating to adaptive capacity and adaptive potential. The dataset contains the following columns:

  • STUDY_ID: Study ID number

  • REVIEWERS: Person who reviewed

  • index: ID from abstract_screener

  • AB: Abstract

  • AU: Authors

  • DI: DOI

  • ID: Keyword Plus

  • PY: Publication Year

  • SC: Research Areas

  • SO: Publication Name

  • TI: Title

  • WC: Web of Science Categories

  • AP_AC: Adaptive Potential or Adaptive Capacity

  • Count: Number of times AP or AC terms are used

  • Climate_Change_Spec: Focused on climate change? Yes/No

  • TI_AB_Only: Term only in title or abstract

  • Method: Method to assess

  • Taxa: Taxa of research

  • Meth details: Detailed notes on the methods

  • Scale_Geo: Geographic scale (rangewide, 1 population, 2 populations, or many)

  • Scale_Unit_Max_W: Rough estimate, width of study sites

  • Scale_Unit_Max_H: Rough estimate, length of study sites

  • Sum_Area: W x H for area estimate

Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.