Title: Low-cost UAS platforms to quantify and predict post-fire recovery in arid shrublands Dataset DOI: 10.7923/96mc-a063 Description: The data incorporate the geospatial information associated with the project, including 10 different wildfire sites in south-western Idaho, USA burnt between 1996-2015. Each wildfire site is approximately 2ha in area, located at the intersection of the wildfire line, spanning the burnt and unburnt parts of the landscape. The data includes three parts: (i) wildfire lines within each site digitized using GoogleEarth historic imagery; (ii) the locations of 723 points for 25 m2 plot centroids, randomly distributed within each site; (iii) individual plant geolocations for >23,000 observations mapped on the landscape with ~3 cm accuracy, including plant functional group, species, and size category. **Data reuse** Any inquiries regarding data reuse should be sent to Trevor Caughlin (Principal Investigator | trevorcaughlin@boisestate.edu) or Andrii Zaiats (Graduate Research Assistant | andriizaiats@u.boisestate.edu) *License*: [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) *Recommended Citation*: Zaiats A and Caughlin TT (2023) Low-cost UAS platforms to quantify and predict post-fire recovery in arid shrublands [dataset]. University of Idaho. https://doi.org/10.7923/96mc-a063 Resource URL: https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/low-cost-uas-platforms-quantify-and-predict-post-fire-recovery-arid-shrublands Creator(s): 1. Full Name: Andrii Zaiats Unique Identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8978-4152 Affiliation(s): Boise State University 2. Full Name: T. Trevor Caughlin Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6752-2055 Affiliation(s): Boise State University Other Contributor(s): NULL Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 1. NATURAL SCIENCES 1.5 Earth and Environmental sciences 1.6 Biological sciences 2. ENGINEERING AND TECHONOLGY 2.7 Environmental engineering Keywords/Tags: UAS, unoccupied aerial systems, post-fire recovery, wildfire, arid, shrublands Resource Type General: Dataset Date available for the public: Upon publication Sizes: 6.5 MB Format(s): geojson, txt Version: NULL Funding References: These data were generated as part of the JFSP project, and were funded by the Joint Fire Science Program, Graduate Research Innovation program under Project ID: 21-1-01-43. Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: southwestern Idaho, USA Geospatial Extent: Easting: -115.30161 Westing: -117.04356 Northing: 43.68948 Southing: 42.55019 Point Location(s): NULL Temporal Coverage: Start Date: 2022-05-01 End Date: 2022-10-31 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Trevor Caughlin Contact Email: trevorcaughlin@boisestate.edu Related Content: JFSP Report - In prep Peer reviewed manuscript - In prep Data Dictionaries: 1-burn_lines.geojson {"type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "burn_lines", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } } "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "site": unique alphanumeric identifier to distinguish each site [VARCHAR(50)], "year": year of wildfire that occurred in the site in YYYY numeric format [INT], "elevation": numeric input for elevation above sea level [DOUBLE], "burn": integer-based binary (0/1) input indication the burnt and unburnt sections of the site [INT] }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": degrees longitude and latitude (-ddd.ddddd, dd.dddddd) } [DOUBLE] }] } 2-plot_data.geojson {"type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "plot_data", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } } "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "site": unique alphanumeric identifier to distinguish each site [VARCHAR(50)], "cid": numeric identifier of a plot nested within a site [INT] }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": degrees longitude and latitude (-ddd.ddddd, dd.dddddd) } [DOUBLE] }] } 3-plant_data.geojson {"type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "plant_data", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } } "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": unique alphanumeric identifier to distinguish an individual plant using ([site]_[plant_id]) [VARCHAR(50)], "cid": numeric identifier of a plot nested within a site [INT], "Class": categorical identifier to assign each plant into one of five categories (bins): cactus, forb, grass, shrub, tree [ENUM] Possible values: cactus: a succulent plant that belongs to Cactaceae family forb: a herbaceous, non-woody plant typically with broad leaves and showy flowers, other than a grass, sedge, or rush grass: a herbaceous plant that belongs to Poaceae family shrub: a woody plant with branches and regenerative buds located close to the ground tree: a woody plant with branches and regenerative buds located well above ground "species": text description of taxonomic assignment for each plant to the finest resolution possible via field observation (e.g., family, genus, species, etc.) [VARCHAR(255)], "Ht_gt_25": integer-based binary (0/1) variable indicating if a plant is above (1) or below (0) 25 cm tall [INT], "site": unique alphanumeric identifier to distinguish each site [VARCHAR(50)] }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": degrees longitude and latitude (-ddd.ddddd, dd.dddddd) } [DOUBLE] "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": degrees longitude and latitude (-ddd.ddddd, dd.dddddd) } [DOUBLE] }] }